My Nomad life and Pilgrimage for Peace
This peace project, in which meditative silence in nature is the focus, began in 1995 when Christine made the radical decision to turn her back on society and depart for life with a covered wagon and horses, with her four children.
They travelled at the slow pace of the horses, with no goal other than to reduce the material to a strict minimum and so have more time to simply ‘be’, in oneness with the Source of all life.
‘Letting go’ and growing in ‘surrender and trust’ every day anew – especially as concerned the children. They would be able to develop their gifts in a natural way. In addition to basic knowledge such as arithmetic, reading and writing there was drawing, painting, writing letters and journals, spinning, knitting, woodworking, horseback riding and lots of walking…
The tasks were divided, and everyone had his/her place in this little natural community: the son gathered, sawed and split wood for the little stove on which they also cooked, hauled water and shod the horses. The eldest daughter took care of her little sisters as far as ‘school’ was concerned. And the youngest trained the horses and later also the goats that they herded and milked.
Thanks to a sound spiritual basis they were able to continue this blissful life for years; they prayed for healing for themselves and the horses, they prayed daily before every new departure with the covered wagon and the horses for protection and to find a new suitable spot with lots of fresh grass for their valiant animals. They lived in complete surrender and trust in the Creator who had not only bestowed life, but also sustained it, protected, healed. Marvelous! Something you cannot learn at school...
When the children turned eighteen, they left one by one to go back to Belgium to study there and take exams for the examinations board and later at university. Meanwhile they had learned several languages, built up inner strength, and got a good basis, and now they wanted to forge social contacts and obtain diplomas, in which they easily succeeded.
Through an inheritance, Christine became the owner of some land and also returned to Belgium to join her children. She settled down again, put up fences so she no longer had to herd the goats, built a wooden stall, let the herd grow naturally, made fresh and solid cheese and became a farmer… until she had to stop this too because with her small scale she did not comply with the European standards… No more of the very best cheeses, prepared fresh daily!
Letting go of everything once again! That was what seemed more and more necessary. Fortunately, with all the wisdom and insights she had acquired over time, she wanted to share them with other people, without having to commercialise this or being constrained to organise it. She would now depart on foot with a backpack, go to people and share her message with everyone personally.
And so this peace project, during which Christine faithfully kept a journal, began to come to life.
In 2014 she let go again and set out on a first pilgrimage of 1,000 km on foot. A second tour will follow in 2017. Here she sets out from home through Belgium, France, Switzerland and Italy, to arrive in Rome after more than 2,000 km. For the first time, a schedule of this trip was kept on her website. (see here underneath)
In 2014 she left on foot with a backpack on a first pilgrimage of 732 km from Le Puy-en-Velay to St. Jean Pied-de-Port.
A second journey for peace, in which she covered 2053 km in one uninterrupted linear trek, followed in 2017.
In 2019 she departed on the third pilgrimage, in which she was determined to walk 7000 km in total for peace through 12 countries. She crossed Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco and France and was obliged to stop after 2142 km due to the poor weather conditions.